F3K Rules

F3K is a competition category under the FIA. A full set of the current model gliding (F3 Radio Control Model Aircraft Soaring) rules can be found here. And a F3K subset of those rules here.

The rules can be a bit overwhelming, so here's a slimmed version...

Summary of F3K Competition Flight Tasks

Task A (Last flight) - Each competitor has an unlimited number of flights with only the last flight being scored. The maximum flight time is 300 seconds. There are two variations of this task with a working time of either 7 or 10 minutes.

Task B (Next to last and last flight) - Each competitor has an unlimited number of flights, but only the next to last and the last flight will be scored. There are two variations of this task - a maximum flight time of 240 seconds for a 10 minute working time or 180 seconds for a 7 minute working time.

Task C (All up, last down) - All competitors must launch their model gliders simultaneously within 3 seconds of the timing signal. The maximum measured flight time is 180 seconds.

Task D (Ladder or ‘Small’ Ladder - Increasing time by 15 seconds) - In this task, the competitors attempt to achieve flights of 30s, 45s, 60s, 75s, 90s, 105s and 120s in this order. Pilots have unlimited attempts at each time and can only move onto the next time once the target time is achieved. Working time is 10 minutes.

Task E (Poker - variable target time) - Each pilot has an unlimited number of flights to achieve or exceed up to five target times. Before the first launch of a new target, each competitor announces a target time. He/she then has an unlimited number of launches to reach or exceed, this time. If the target is reached or exceeded, then the target time is credited and the competitor can announce the next target time, which may be lower, equal or higher, before he releases the model glider during the launch. If the target time is not reached, the announced target flight time can not be changed. The competitor may try to reach the announced target flight time until the end of the working time. Towards the end of the working time, the competitor may call a time in minutes and/or seconds or can call "until the end of the working time".
Poker in the FIA rules as of 2017 read Calling only "until to the end of working time" is not permitted. However at the 2017 World Champs we were permitted to call "end of working time".

Task F (3 out of 6) - During the working time of 10 minutes, the competitor may launch his model glider a maximum of 6 times. The maximum single flight time is 180s. The sum of the three longest flights up to the maximum of 180s for each flight, is taken for the final score.

Task G (Five longest flights) - Each competitor has an unlimited number of flights in the 10 minutes working time. Only the best five flights will be added together. The maximum single flight time is 120 seconds.

Task H (One, two, three and four minute target flight times, any order) - During the working time of 10 minutes, each competitor has an unlimited number of flights to achieve four target flight times of 60, 120, 180 and 240 seconds in any order.

Task I (Three longest flights) - During the working time of 10 minutes, each competitor has an unlimited number of flights to achieve a flight time of 200s. The best three flights will be added together.

Task J (Three last flights) - During the working time of 10 minutes, each competitor has an unlimited number of flights to achieve a target flight time of 180s, with only the last three last flights being scored.

Task K (Big Ladder - Increasing time by 30 seconds) - Each competitor must launch his/her model glider exactly 5 times to achieve 5 target times as follows 60s, 90s , 120s, 150s and 180 seconds. The targets must be flown in the increasing order as specified. The competitors do not have to reach or exceed the target times to count each flight time. Working time 10 minutes.
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